Support for SermonSpeaker 4.x is canceled as it is for Joomla 2.5. I will gladly assist you with minor issues but I will not fix any bugs anymore in this releases.
The fix is to upgrade to SermonSpeaker 5.x and Joomla 3.x, which is better anyway.

Frontpage editor not working

02 Apr 2012 17:38 #1708 by Thomas Hunziker
Can you try this router.php?
Extract and put to


File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:1 KB

Basically in this SEF configuration Joomla seems to have problems with tasks of the format "controller.function". To me it sounds more like a Joomla bug but I guess my workaround will fix it.

Btw: Your series download link probably didn't work as well ;)

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02 Apr 2012 19:46 - 02 Apr 2012 19:46 #1713 by Richard
Hi Thomas, your fixes seems to work well in my Joomla 2.5.4 configuration. Now I am able to access the frontend-editing page.
Bugs I still notice in there (probably also SEF), are clicking on the green plus-signs to add, for instance, the scripture (this redirects to "scripture?tmpl=component" but only shows a 404.

Further, the edit icon messes up the sermonlist-layout with me. It is the ul's en li's. I changed it so that the 'edit' icon comes first which gives a much better appearance:
<?php if ($canEdit || ($canEditOwn && ($user->id == $item->created_by))) : ?> <?php echo JHtml::_('icon.edit', $item, $this->params, array('type' => 'sermon')); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo SermonspeakerHelperSermonspeaker::insertSermonTitle($i, $item, $player); ?>
Last edit: 02 Apr 2012 19:46 by Richard.

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02 Apr 2012 20:09 #1715 by Thomas Hunziker
Relating the scripture view, I had an issue on because it had an outdated (buggy) .htaccess file. It had a RewriteCondition like this:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\<|%3C).*script.*(\>|%3E) [NC,OR]
which blocked everything that had "script" in the query.
The default .htaccess file for Joomla 2.5 has this line changed to
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (<|%3C)([^s]*s)+cript.*(>|%3E) [NC,OR]
which works fine.
However the other views (speakerform and serieform) should work anyway.

About the design: I tried to follow how it is done in com_content (regular articles) so it will look similar. Also it will only show for people who are able to edit something, so it will not affect the regular user :-)
You could also try to "float:right" the <ul class="actions"> tag using
ul.actions{ float:right; }
This could solve the issue as well.

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04 Apr 2012 17:17 #1718 by Thomas Hunziker
SermonSpeaker 4.4.1 has the bug with frontend editing when SEF Suffixes are turned off fixed.
I couldn't reproduce the issue Richard described. I would need more info there on what exactly doesn't work. Also some info about SEF and Chache settings, PHP and MySQL version would be helpful.

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05 Apr 2012 22:24 #1730 by Name
The modified router.php fixed the problem here aswell. Nice work!

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11 Apr 2012 13:06 #1756 by Richard
Hi Thomas, I run Sermonspeaker 4.4.1 on Joomla 2.5.4, PHP version 5.2.14. I use SH404SEF and have it use it's default handler for Sermonspeaker.

When I use the frontendupload-page I get errors when I click the green plus-signs.
For instance, when I want to add the scripture reference I get a popup with the message: Not Found The requested URL /scripture?tmpl=component was not found on this server. Also when I manually add that after my domain, it also does not resolve.

When I disable SEF, the problem disapears, but I do not want to run my site without SEF. Anyone with the same problems?

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