
In Joomla (and thus SermonSpeaker) all text coming from the program itself is handled with language files. This makes it quite easy to change words or even add multi-language support to the program.
The files are in the following format:


While KEYWORD is the string you should leave as it is and the "Text" is what you can change.

Now where are this languages files located?

You may want to look at the folders /components/com_sermonspeaker/language/ and /administrator/components/com_sermonspeaker/language/ in your Joomla directory. Obviously the second folder will have the language files for the backend while the first one has the files for the frontend. The folder will have subdirectories for each language included in SermonSpeaker. While SermonSpeaker has multiple languages included, Joomla itself usually only comes with one or two languages installed. The default installed language is en-GB which means it's UK english. More language packs are offered by the community and may be found on the official Joomla page. Now if you look at the subdirectory /en-GB you see a file named com_sermonspeaker.ini. It will contain all strings the SermonSpeaker component uses to display your sermons.
If you're looking for strings used by a module or plugin, you have to look here: /modules/mod_module-name/language/ or /plugins/plugin-type/plg_plugin-name/language/

But my language is missing!

Unfortunately, the tower of Babel also struck me and I'm only speaking german and english. So I need your help if your language is missing in SermonSpeaker.
There are already a few great users who help translating SermonSpeaker into different languages. If you want to help, please go to Crowdin. Translated strings in Crowdin will automatically be included in the next release of SermonSpeaker.

If there is no SermonSpeaker language file for your language or the KEYWORD is not found in the file, it will just take the english string. It will still work as long as en-GB is still installed on your system (so don't uninstall this language).