New in the SermonSpeaker family is a content plugin. It has three modes on how to show a sermon in an article:

  • Show a simple link to the sermon with current SEF settings
  • Show a player for the sermon
  • Show sermon info (title, speaker, series, hits, player) in a module style
Speaker Bjørn Marti
SeriesAllgemeine Predigten
Date07 November 2010


Link: Das Lebendige Wasser


Keep in mind that the module mode will depend heavily on your template. For this example I've put the plugin tag into a right floated div and applied a special module style and menu suffix which is special to the Allrounder Template.

Updated editor button

There is also an updated editor button plugin. This will now add the proper tags for the new content plugin.

You will need at least SermonSpeaker 4.4.9 and the new content plugin, otherwise the editor button will not work correctly.